From Chalco, Mexico
9 November, 2013 and went forth that evening to visit the Solidaridad Stake Conference. The next morning we suffered through a cold shower, but after weeks of perseverance, we have been blessed with fluctuating hot and cold water.
2. There are six Stakes of Zion in this small
mission, some areas are prospering in the gospel and others struggle. We love
looking out our 2 bedroom apartment window at Popo, the active volcano, and the
snow peaks as it spews steam into the air like billowing clouds. The closer we
drive to that area, the colder it gets (in the 50’s). The average temperature
here has been around 70 with the lows in the mid 40’s. There is an area where
they cultivate and are famous for arboles de navidad – Christmas trees. December 1st
we saw lines of cars driving back from the forest with trees tied to the roofs
of their cars.
3. You take to the streets at your own risk. The
traffic signs are only a “suggestion.” Dave took to driving like a Mexican
almost immediately, and I often gasp or close my eyes as he winds through
traffic. There are a lot of cars here, many of them are vans, called combis,
which are large taxies. There are lots of regular taxies and buses that swerve
you to where you want to go. Maybe I will try a combi before we leave, maybe.
4. Thirteen pesos equals about $1, so when I go to
buy a half gallon of 2% milk for $14.50, or flour tortillas for $21.80, I still
cringe. There are a lot of things I can’t get here, such as bottled lemon
juice, canned chili, kidney beans, Koolaid, vegetable soup, refrigerated
biscuits, salad dressing (only mayo and I really don’t like mayo). Canned
tomatoes come in 4 oz. boxes, hamburger comes in patties, brown sugar is only
the granulated kind (and doesn’t taste good in my recipes). The instant
potatoes are pretty good, better than the US, the white potatoes are awesome
and the ice cream is really creamy. I am slowly building up my food storage
5. There are dilapidated pick-up trucks and some
push carts that come around daily to collect your garbage. You know they are
coming when you hear the bell ringing. You have to take it out to them.
6. We have a newly acquired apartment with all new
appliances and furniture! White leather couches, red and black kitchen table
with red chairs, so since my favorite color just happens to be red, we got red
towels and such. We have experienced two miracles this week. I did not doubt,
but Dave had his doubts. It has taken me 45 min. to an hour to cook once batch
of cookies and the pineapple upside down cake never did cook. The FM group sent
someone out and he adjusted the gas, and that night I cooked cookies in 10
minutes! “Fear not, for I am with thee.”
I still refuse to light the oven though. The other miracle occurred Thursday
night. We have a combination Samsung washer and dryer. Don’t get one! It takes
at least 1 and ½ hours to wash a load and 6 and ½ hours to dry. But the clothes
were not drying, and the “famous for not shaking” machine was dancing all over
the floor and making horrible noises. I finally got a manual – in English - and
upon reading it, discovered that the packing bolts were never removed. They are
like 5 inch big bolts that keep the drum from moving in transport. Dave removed
the 3 bolts and I cautiously did a load of wash. There wasn’t a peep or a
shuffle out of it! It still takes 8 hours to complete a load, but at least they
dry. I count my many blessings and daily tender mercies. We have a new car too,
with 18,000 kilometers – but we have put on 1,000 in the time we have been
here. The sign on the side says “utility vehicle” for a satellite company. I
say we are here to help everyone to communicate to heaven, but better than
7. There are many reminders of home, such as
WalMart are everywhere we go, Office Max, Sams Club, McDonalds, Subway,
Kentucky Fried Chicken, Dominoes Pizza, Burger King and Auto Zone to name a
few. OXXO is the 7-11 of Mexico. Pemex are the only gas stations – no
8. There are “gangs” of dogs everywhere. Some are
on the roofs jumping around as you pass by, but most just wander the street.
People are everywhere too – on the sidewalks (when there are any) and inching
out into the streets to cross between cars. There are tall speed bumps every
few hundred yards so the cars can’t go very fast. There are other animals too.
We found a spider trying to get in the Mission Office that, with its legs, was
about as big as my fist. I have a picture to prove it. Today I spotted a huge
bug on the side of the office and on closer (not too close) inspection I came
upon a 4 to 5 inch grasshopper – with a picture to verify it.
9. We have been busy since day one. We are in the
process of visiting all of the missionary apartments. The President doesn’t
know where they are and how they are living. We have recommended to 8 of the
half of the missionaries we have so far visited that they need to make changes,
or change apartments. Some reasons are mold, skylight on the floor and a roof
that is removable for anyone to enter, shower water that runs out the bathroom door
and floods the kitchen , an open staircase leading down, in the main room. They
have covered it with planks and a rickety board which tilts when you step on
it. Their table with a hot plate sits on the board! A very tiny apartment with
no place to put anything. Several groups of 4 missionaries are in the same
apartments, which is not acceptable now. Each of these faithful missionaries
has to find their own place. A few have really big places – 3 are in huge Town
Homes with 2 or 3 bedrooms. Amazing what 18 year olds can do when it is
needful. The Sisters are all awesome, of course! A little more than half the
missionaries are native Spanish speaking. That makes it a little hard for them
to study English every day.
10. There is a new Visitor’s Center next to the
Mexico City Temple. We were invited to go to the open house. A few of the
all-Spanish speaking Sisters were on Temple Square in Salt Lake and so know how
it should be done. This center reminds me a lot of the one in Salt Lake.
11. I hope to start teaching piano lessons with an
incredibly inspired keyboard course the church has put together. I have taught
a few missionaries and people the first few pages and in less than 5 minutes
they can play a hymn - with both hands! Granted it is only the melody, but for
anyone who has never played, it is a miracle! Anyone can get the keyboard
course at the Distribution Center and self-teach or help others to play within
3 to 4 months! Can you tell I’m excited! I am getting a waiting list that is
pages long.
12. Since we do not know our address (most streets
are identifiable but house numbers are rare) our official mailing address is:
Elder and Hna. Bird
Mexico Ciudad de Mexico Chalco
Calle Porvenir No. 8
56600, Chalco, Estado de Mexico
Emails are the best way to share messages. I would
appreciate it if someone could get a copy of this to the Facemyers (I don’t
have a current email address), Leah Ivie and the Bate’s kids, and anyone else
that might be interested. Thanks.
13. Our purpose as missionaries is stated in
Preach My Gospel, “Invite others to come unto Christ by helping them receive
the restored gospel through faith in Jesus Christ and His Atonement,
repentance, baptism, receiving the gift of the Holy Ghost, and enduring to the
end.” When you look at a package of M
& M’s, think of “Members and Missionaries”, working together in the same
cause. Tell my Primary kids that I love them and miss them!
14. We greet you with love and fondness and pray
the Lord send you peace and comfort, health and joy. The grace of our Lord Jesus
Christ be with you all.
Elder and Sister Bird
Please share our message of love and greetings
with others.
Associated Pictures:
1. Arriving at our apartment the very first time
2. Chalco Mission Office and our car
3. View of the volcanos from our window
1. Arriving at our apartment the very first time
2. Chalco Mission Office and our car
3. View of the volcanos from our window