From Chalco, Mexico
friends, who cover many lands; we greet you from Chalco, Mexico, which shares great history of those who lived long ago. Many Lamanites walk here, as did their fathers before them at the coming of Christ to the Americas. Some recognize their great heritage and are very valiant in their faith; belonging to wards and stakes with as many as 100 participating each Sabbath day.
2. According to the spirit, being found by the
Birds, two faithful senior couples living in the Chalco Mission area have been
called to serve as full-time missionaries in the mission office, assisting the
Birds. They have been recently released as Temple workers in the Mexico City
Temple (which is now closed for a year and a half) and their hearts yearn to
continue to serve the Savior. Many more, including other released Temple
workers, are being prepared in their hearts to be called to serve in their
respective Wards, searching for the lost sheep that are losing the blessings which
they once knew.
3. In this land there is a peculiar thing. The
police cars, ambulances, tow trucks, and any other vehicle with flashing
lights, flash them all the time. It is said that this is to scare off would-be
offenders, but how is one to know when there is a real emergency? Even when
they turn on their sirens, people are confused, and since no one follows the
laws, the emergency vehicles cannot get through!
4. And it came to pass that the people provided
places where they could congregate and exercise and visit. Zumba, Hawaiando,
kick boxing and karate seem to help with the stress of surviving on the
streets, whether you are driving (crazy) or trying to walk across busy, lawless
streets without being run down.
5. Everywhere you see young and old playing on
their electronic games. A favorite sport for the adult group is wall ball.
School is from 8 am to 2 pm and one often sees mothers walking hand in hand
with their children, including teenagers. Grandchildren walk arm in arm with
their grandmothers. The primary children sing the same songs, in Spanish. We
are alike in many ways.
6. Be it known that even the faithful must endure
adversity. One morning upon leaving for the office, the apartment keys were
left in the lock – inside the door. There was no way back in, as we live on the
third floor, and no way out of the gaited doors. Upon waiting for nearly five
hours, in the cold garage downstairs, spare keys arrived. We immediately went
to the locksmith and retrieved three more copies of the several keys required. They
have been stored in various places in the event of a future need.
7. And it came to pass that there exists much cold
in some parts of this land. We endure it well, since there are no furnaces; and
it will be discovered in coming months, that there is no air conditioning
either. Nevertheless, a Hawaiian Luau was organized by a sister missionary from
the islands. She helped prepare Island food, Mexican style, and taught many
members, young and old, various Island dances, which they performed to the
delight and laughter of all.
8. And it shall be seen; every six weeks these
senior missionaries take a trip away from the mission. The first excursion was
to Veracruz, to go to the Temple, which of course, was closed for maintenance.
We spent time sitting on the Getty watching the ships great and small pass by.
We will return to the temple.
9. And it came to pass that Elder Bird saw the
need for much organization in the mission office, thus with the mighty computer
and his great abundance of knowledge, is organizing referral manager, which is
of great importance for the work of the missionaries. And moreover he is
preparing forms and requirements for the safety and housing of such
missionaries. Two days ago, a missionary abode was broken into, thus a new and
everlasting residence is required. Many new missionaries are arriving every six
weeks and will be in need of safe dwelling places where the spirit can abide.
10. Notwithstanding, Hna. Bird knowing that the
Lord calls upon the weak things of the world to bring to pass the needed things
of the mission, is organizing the sacred supplies – pamphlets, Books of Mormon,
and lists to make mission and missionary life less complicated. A place for everything
and everything in its place provides wisdom in all aspects of life.
11. Then came unto Hna. Bird the call to arise and
share with the members of the Chalco mission in their various six stakes and
approximately fifty wards and branches, the praising of the Lord with singing
and with music, because few play the piano. With the miracle of the church’s
Keyboard Course and the provision of keyboards to those with great desire, many
have been called and many have chosen to serve their wards through music.
Approximately forty students, as young as nine years and as old as – well, old
– are currently participating. In their first lesson, they played a hymn, using
both hands!
12. Miracles, wonders and tender mercies of the
Lord never cease. It requires one and a half hours to go to one of the wards to
teach piano. Upon arrival, the gates were locked and no one was there, except
two missionaries. We left the chapel sorrowful, but provided transportation to
the missionaries who were following up on a referral. Being prompted, we
returned to the chapel to find a group of members waiting at the locked gate to
learn of the music of the Lord.
13. Wherefore, we pondered and sought help. When
all seemed lost, the saddened members prepared to return to their houses, which
were far, and they had only their feet to carry them. Hna. Bird remembered
there were treats in the car and beckoned all to follow her. As they were all
departing once again, behold, the two Elders returned, downcast that their
referral was not there. Nevertheless, there was much rejoicing, because they
had keys to open the gates! A miracle had occurred.
14. With renewed spirits, the students listened
and learned and played like they had never done before. They now have four
hymns to practice, in just three weeks, with no prior musical experience! God
truly works in mysterious ways His wonders to perform. The students will bless
their ward with the spirit of music, and with an understanding that the Lord is
mindful of each of them.
15. And now, I would that ye should know that in
the January Liahona, at least in the Spanish edition, there is a special insert
about Mexico. It is about my uncle, Eduardo Balderas. I read things I didn’t
know about him. I always respected him as a great leader and translator, but I
had no idea to what extent. I have talked to people in this land of Chalco who
remember him and received their patriarchal blessings from him, or were sealed
in the Salt Lake Temple by him. I am grateful for this great heritage.
16. There is work all around just now, including
being approached by an inebriated man wanting to meet God, not in church, but
when he goes to heaven. Elder Bird gave him an Article of Faith card to ponder
when sober.
16. We greet you with love and fondness and pray
the Lord send you peace and comfort, health and joy.
The grace of our Lord Jesus Christ be with you
Associated Pictures:
1. Mexico Veracruz Temple, with palm trees
2. One of many artistic wall paintings