Chalco, Mexico
1. And it came to pass that the missionary
adventures of Elder and Sister Bird found themselves part of several more
earthquakes but of a lesser nature than those previously experienced.
Nevertheless there were also exceedingly sharp lightening and terrible thunders
and much rain which will continue for several months. The temperatures range
from 30 to 80 degrees, with up to 82% humidity. And now, wo, wo, wo unto the
inhabitants of the whole earth except they shall repent; for the devil
laugheth, and his angels rejoice. But behold the servants of the Lord work
diligently to carry the Plan of Salvation unto all who will hear. For we know the
outcome of this war is sure, and the followers of Christ shall come forth
2. The two new humble senior missionary couples
have put forth great sacrifice and effort in learning and supporting the
mission office. Finances, baptismal records and referrals are being done
accurately and correctly, lifting a great burden from the mission president.
And also, the previous younger missionary staff can now teach and preach as
missionaries do.
3. And now, these faithful 155 youthful servants,
which were added upon by 12, use their many talents to fulfill the goals of
their leader. Their investigators shall attend at least 5 sacrament meetings,
learning the doctrine and culture of the church, and becoming friends with ward
members, before being immersed in the waters of baptism. Each pair of
missionaries is to baptize every week. One group held a mission open house
“Luau” with much of the ward performing songs and dances from the islands.
Another group invited those of other faiths to perform in a cultural, talent
event, bring more than 250 people, 50 of whom were new, who learned more about
the organization and purpose of the church. One group proselytes in the weekly
street market inviting many to hear more of the gospel of Christ.
church each week. The unfortunate and sad thing is that there are 400 to more than a thousand in each of these units who are not currently assisting. Elder Bird is tirelessly meeting with the leaders of these units to teach them of the need and urgency to call ward missionaries, who can search out the lost sheep and help bring them back into the fold. One ward, Monte Corona, is living the vision. They have 130 members assisting each week, but there are only 6 inactive families. Because of their righteousness, they are like the city of Enoch. Their weakness is in not opening their mouths to share with others. But, full time missionaries have been called again to help.
5. Be it known that when one tries to live the
commandments of the Lord, he can call on the powers of God to bless in great
and small ways. Hna. Bird was having a tooth ache. There is fear in going to
doctors and dentists in this land, so Hna. Bird prayed for help. The ache went
away – for a month – then returned. Again prayers were said, not knowing the
answer. Then, (with the help of a starburst) her back molar popped out! This
was a blessing because this tooth had a previous root canal and therefore no
pain! The roots will have to remain until returning home, but the dentist at
home says they will be fine. The Lord works in mysterious ways, but He listens
and responds to our needs. Try living right and then asking for blessings –
your trust and testimony will be strengthened.
6. It is a fact that the Hna. Bird loves
convections, especially chocolate. In this land, sweet seems to include a
sprinkling of chili powder on everything. Therefore, she has learned to make
cookies using boxed cake mix (because time is so limited for such desires).
Putting a little frosting and an M&M on top is totally new to this people.
A senior missionary helped find cup cake papers and this is easier than baking
cookies. To me this is another blessing. I count my many blessings, one by one.
7. It has been learned that visiting a ward almost
always includes an invitation to speak. Being prepared is easy, with an
inspired idea, and simply opening our mouths. “Yea, open your mouths and they
shall be filled.” On Mother’s Day (Mexico dia de Madres is always May 10th
and fell on Saturday this year) I expounded the scriptures of the humble
mothers, like Mary, mother of Jesus. Then I compared all the mothers in the
ward as humble, hard working mothers, with special callings. And I became bold
in declaring that every day should be treated as mother’s day.
8. Always listen to the inspired leaders on the
church. One such stake president, in order to accommodate all of his stake
members, needs two sessions of Stake Conference for all to hear. He invited
each in his congregation to faithfully fulfill for things to become more
spiritually minded. These four simple, basic steps will bless anyone.
Have family prayer every day.
Attend Sacrament Meeting every week including the entire block, receive
revelation and instruction. (Not go
shopping on the way home from church – which he has observed too often)
Pay an honest tithing and fast offerings.
To observe the day of rest and sanctify it.
9. Remember, remember that God is like oxygen. You
can’t see Him, but you can’t live without Him.
10. And a little child shall lead them. “We have
been called . . . and we are as the army of Helaman . . . and we will be the
Lord’s missionaries.” The entire Primary of the Tepetlixpa Stake, dressed in
their Sunday best, has raised the bar. They met with their leaders and the already
called full time missionaries for a devotional and instruction from the Chalco
Mission President. Then two-by-two, with their “future missionary” name tags, each
child, from 4 to 11 years of age, were called forward and assigned to their
companion and respective “missions” - which included all the wards (cities and
districts) in their stake. Each District met for instruction and then was
transported by huge vans (called combis) to their individual destinations. Each
child had memorized a missionary discussion about the Plan of Salvation which
they shared as they knocked on doors.
10. And ye shall be comforted in finding Red Baron
pizza, Ritz crackers with tuna salad or pb&j, and ingredients for home made
ginger snaps.
11. And a goal was presented to each missionary of
the Chalco mission: And ye shall search diligently the words of Nephi and
Mosiah and Benjamin and Isaiah and Mormon, and shall do so in 3 months from the
time of the great Conference of the church. This is difficult when one is
studying many hours the specific needs of the investigator. But for one, the
Hna. Bird has followed the council of the leader. The Book of Mormon really
does speak to every individual for their present needs. It provides council,
comfort, condemnation, power, resolve, hope, and love for our Father and all He
has created for us.
12. Once again we bid you adeu with the hope and
prayers that this finds you health and happy in the service of our God and
there be”no more strangers and foreigners, but fellowcitizens with the saints
and of the household of God.” The grace of our Lord Jesus Christ be with you
Elder and Hermana Bird
Attached pictures
2. A stunning sunset
3. Disney wall art which covered two sides of the
4. More of the same wall art, with idols and
religious statues
5. Hanging sausage (or something)
6. Do they name all their pigs before cooking
7. Ward talent night with the Primary dancing like
the “old people”
8. Dogs herding cows across the busy street
9. Have horses, will travel
10. Is this the peace and love sign or the Scout
quiet sign? Not many Mexicans know about Scouts.