"Here is what Sister Bird wrote about the activity and what happened to her:
"Yesterday we went to a Stake primary activity. Only the kids, the leaders and the full time missionaries were there. The mission president spoke and had all the full time missionaries come up and say where they were from. Then Sis. Crickmore opened a suitcase with missionary stuff like pamphlets, BoM, Preach My Gospel, pens, hand sanitizer, pass along cards etc. We missionaries chose one kid and they came up and picked something out of the suitcase. Then we had to explain why we used it. My kid picked hand sanitizer. We shake hands with lots of people (but not dogs) and we can clean our hands often. Then the Stake Prim. pres. called the kids up two by two from different wards and assigned them to an area in the stake to go to. They went as districts in combies (big vans) to their areas and knocked on doors and presented a memorized message about the plan of salvation, which they each had a copy of. Don't know how may references they got, but a great activity for every ward or stake! Oh, and they each had a "future missionary" badge.
"They are organized as wards and branches as missionary groups. We are gathered in the Tepetlixpa chapel and the kids are really excited. There will be a short devotional and then they return to their areas and go to the streets contacting. They will be given lists and knock on doors. They will leave a little message. They will return here to report their contacts and have a dinner. I am really impressed and have asked Elder Lauritzen to write an article for the Blog."
There was a brother taking pictures of each of the missionary companionships and what happened when they returned from their contacting. We will update this entry when we have the additional material. We discovered this is the second time the Telcalco Stake has done this and with great results. The people will listen to the children and many references are collected.
With regards to what happened to Sister Bird, We include the following:
"We are in the office 6 days a week now! I do laundry early in the morning and dry it when we get home. Hopefully we can cut that to 3 days soon. The piano classes are starting to take turns leading while someone plays. I made a chart they can fill in whenever they pass off a hymn. This seems to be giving them incentive. I'll know for the next course I do."