Chalco, Mexico
2. The forces for good are increasing every six
weeks. With mixed emotions, 3 missionaries departed but 9 more arrived. And
with great joy there are more Senior Missionaries preparing to serve – as
full-time couples, service missionaries and Ward missionaries. In these last
times, many more people are feeling the spirit and great need to move the work
forward. Elder Bird is counseling with Bishops and Stake Presidents on the
importance of Senior Missionaries, who live at home, yet serve in the mission
and in their own wards, and many are stepping forward.
3. And it came to pass that the Birds were able to
travel to Papantla to view the famous Voladores de Papantla, except they
weren’t there! We visited the ancient ruins and pyramids of Tajin while there.
We moved forward to Veracruz, once again, to attend the Temple of the Lord. We
visited with our released missionary, Hna. Encines, and her new novio. He was
introduced to the gospel almost a year ago and is preparing to serve a mission
4. And it came to pass that while visiting in
Veracruz we discovered that the Voladores de Papantla were performing nearby.
The history of these brave young men started many centuries before the Spaniards
came to this Promised Land, in the pueblo of Papantla. Because there is not much
rain except during the rainy season, crops must be planned and planted in a
timely manner. One year, the rains didn’t come. The elders concluded that the
rain god needed a sacrifice, so they chose four of the most virtuous young men
in their town. They would climb a 75 foot pole, tie a rope around their waist,
fall from the pole, and the chosen one would crash to the ground, spilling his
blood as a sacrifice and peace offering to the rain god. The four chosen youth
slowly climbed the pole, and then fell backwards to the ground. But apparently
the lengths of the rope had not included the amount used to tie around the
waists of the young men, and thus none of them touched the ground. The miracle then
came when it began to rain. In memory of this great miracle, every year in May,
this same sacred ritual is performed, but the young men are only symbolically sacrificed.
(Because this is a wonder to see, there are 300 young men and their trainers
who perform world wide. They encourage donations and thus it has become a
profitable demonstration – except during the yearly ritual.)
5. After viewing the performance, which includes a
traditional pan pipe melody, the Birds approached the elder trainer wanting to
know of this history. He gladly complied, after we paid money. We went back
later and watched the performance two more times and then again approached the
elder. Hna. Bird desired to share the gospel with him and provided an Article
of Faith card (which is the best pass-along card). He knew of the gospel because
his sister-in-law is a member. We obtained his name and address and invited him
to attend church when he returned to Veracruz. Oh ya, this group is the official
performers from Papantla! We invited his young men to listen to the
missionaries too and the elder said they did many things together. I hope that
great, humble and enthusiastic missionaries share the great message of the
gospel with them and many others. It is easy to share the gospel!
7. And it shall be seen that these truly are the
last days. In the eighteenth day of the fourth month, the earth began to move,
not as in the days of Christ, but a rolling and rocking as if upon a ship in
rough waters. This earthquake began in Acapulco and was felt for hundreds of
miles. In the City of Mexico it lasted for more than seven minutes and measured
as to the measurements of man, 7.5. Trees swayed as if there was a terrible
wind and the many cables and power lines that hang over the streets swung as if
children were playing jump rope. Blessed were the people insomuch that no
damage resulted. The volcano nearby spewed billowing steam for several days,
but is pretty much back to its normal continual puffs of clouds. But wo unto
those who took no thought to give thanks to the Lord.
8. And it shall be noted that every country and
people have peculiar foods. Whenever pizza is served, which is like normal US
pizza, they ask for catsup to put on top, along with their hot sauces. I like
catsup on fried eggs and toast, but I haven’t tried it on pizza – yet. Hna.
Bird has baked cakes with yummy frosting. The people of this nation find this a
novelty, most having never tasted it. One elderly mother (86 years old) asked
for seconds and asked for me to stay and make her another. Sweet things here
usually are not very sweet.
9. And to show that people everywhere are ready to
listen to the word of God, the Birds were filling up their gas tank and the
attendant started speaking in his broken English. He had lived two years in New
York and was glad to practice his English. What an introduction to the gospel.
Hna. Bird noted that we were missionaries for the Church of Jesus Christ and
His church was brought back to the earth precisely in New York! There is always
something that any person is interested in and that can be used to introducing
them to the gospel. We were late in getting to a piano class and couldn’t
pursue the conversation, but Hna. Bird pulled out an Article of Faith card for
him, to get acquainted to the gospel – and we shall return to this gas station
again, and speak more English and get his name and address so that the
missionaries can teach him in English. Be not afraid to share the most
wonderful thing the world is in need of, and the Lord will be with you.
10. And lo, the classes of piano are progressing.
A few have left the path and are no longer sharing in the blessings. After only
13 lessons, some are playing prelude music, with fear and trembling, in
Sacrament Meetings. When the Lord needs something done, He provides the way.
This week they are participating in class piano recitals. Soon they and their
wards will have the power of piano music in their meetings. The Lamanites love
to sing – loud and more or less with the tune.
11. And now we leave you for a season, and pray
the Lord send you peace and comfort, health and joy. The grace of our Lord
Jesus Christ be with you all.
Elder and Sister Bird
Attached pictures:
1. Zona
Arqueologica el Tajin
2. Voladores
de Papantla
3. Voladores
de Papantla
4. Tula
5. Tula Atlantean figures
6. Popocatepetl and Iztaccihuat wall art