Ayapango, Amecameca, Mexico
nd becoming more and more converted to the gospel. They in turn invite others to their house for a spiritual teaching experience. We speak to them of our experiences in Palmyra and show them pictures which we took in the Sacred Grove. One less active sister asked if we really took the pictures and if this place really still exists. Accept every calling and opportunity to learn and grow because you never know when it will help you in the future.
2. The Bird’s are working with two wards and one
large branch and the daily agenda is filled with visits to leaders, members,
less actives and investigators. We park our car in front of one of the church
buildings and “walk the streets.” We are looking for all of the members on each
of three ward lists to update the records, but more importantly to invite them back
to church and then make return appointments where we can share a message and our
testimonies. Sister Bird has evidence of walking with her sun-kissed face.
3. We visited with a recently released Bishop and
his family. After our message he asked us to visit his inactive, returned
missionary sister and husband. We also visited with the recently called Bishop
(who is brother to the released Bishop). They are inviting all their children
and others to their home for a Family Home Evening. We visited with a councilor
in the Stake Presidency and his wife. They are both taking the piano classes.
They have scheduled a visit with us to return with their family and friends.
4. There is a small, very small pueblo which has
only three streets: del Maiz, del Trigo and del Frijol. There are 20 or more members
living there. None of the houses have house numbers, so we just ask people on
the street if they know who we are looking for. One day, after walking the
railroad track for more than half a mile on our way back to our house, we
stopped and enjoyed a game of futbol (soccer). Futbol is the favorite sport in
Mexico, from professional teams to small children and groups playing in the
street. They are good about moving out of the way when we drive by. There is an
indoor soccer field here, which really is outdoors, with walls and fencing
enclosing it.
hite corn for eating (I shall be grateful to return home to salt and pepper corn), corn for making corn tortillas and blue corn, also for making tortillas.
6. That which cannot be found in Mexico is root
beer. We have served ice cream in other soda drinks to the people here,
including non American missionaries, and it is a new treat for them. But
nothing replaces a foamy root beer float. Refined brown sugar doesn’t exist
here either.
7. Our pueblo called Ayapango is very quiet, with
fewer cars, fewer people walking around and very few people selling food or
other things on the streets. We had a couple of weeks of warm weather, but now
it is back to being chilly. We are told that in this part of the mission it
gets cold. We have yet to experience real cold. We have been told that it hails
and it snows – a little. I do have my winter coat which I haven’t used yet.
8. The desire to learn to play hymns is strong
here. This past week there were 14 missionaries in class. This is a bit hard
for them because they don’t have much time to practice. The stake of Amecameca had
14 members return for their second lesson. They had all practiced and each
received a star on their name card for playing their first hymn. The councilor
in the Stake Presidency brought his wife so she can learn. In turn, they have
invited us to dinner and a Family Home Evening lesson in their home.
9. The stake of Tecalco out did themselves, having
19 members of all ages attend the piano class. They also received stars,
including the three first time students. I hope I have excited some of you back
home to get this Basic Music Course which is published by the Church. You can
get the kit at any distribution center and learn to play too!
10. Schools are divided into three age groups:
Primaria is for those through 5th year; Secundario is for those
through 8th year. These are required. Preparatorio is for those
learning a skill or trade and there is a 3 to 4 hour placement test to see if
they will even be accepted. School starts around 8 am and gets out at 1 or 2,
depending on the school. English is required, but unless they are dedicated to
learning, they only speak the basics.
11. There are few semaphores or stop signs here,
but it makes no difference as pedestrians have no right-of-way and hurry across
the road when cars have to slow down for speed bumps, of which there are many. Speed
bumps are an inconvenient blessing because instead of speeding through the
streets, the cars have to keep slowing down, which avoids hitting people. (We
saw a bumper sticker which when translated read: “Watch out, I drive just like
12. We were introduced to a simple activity for
Family Home Evening, which we learned after teaching a lesson in the home of a
member, with an inactive family. On pieces of paper, write single words that
can be found in songs of any type. I am making a list of words found in hymns
and will make one for primary songs too. The leader reads the word and the first
person to sing a song with that word receives the paper. The one with the most
papers at the end wins.
13. Remember, remember that God has a plan for us.
Know also that Satan also has a plan. We must choose which plan we will follow.
Also remember that you will only win the great reward by following God’s plan.
and shared your feelings with others. There is an application called LDS Scripture Citation Index where ye can become immersed in the scriptures and read talks by church leaders about every verse in all the scriptures. Plan on loosing track of time as light and truth will fill you with desires to learn more. “It is one thing to know about God and another to know Him. . . Those who know God become like Him and have His kind of life, which is eternal life.” Bruce R. McConkie. We have great motivation to choose God’s plan.
15. As we bid you farewell until the next writing,
we encourage you that whatever your talent or gift from the Lord, mental or
physical, share it and multiply it. Our hope and prayer is that you have peace
and comfort, health and joy in your home and in your heart. The grace of our
Lord Jesus Christ be with you all.
Elder and Hermana Bird
Attached pictures:
Volcano Popo spouting off
Horses get a break sometimes too
Alien that guards our closed street
Our Zentlapan District
This going home Elder needs his shoes bronzed
Taking a moment before our Senior District Meeting
Love Mexican clouds
Tecalco Stake piano class
More wall art (referred to as graffiti)
The corn is higher than an elephant’s eye
Ridding my little patch of lawn of clover